Your Horoscope For September & October 2024

Here’s what’s written in the stars for you this month.
Published July 30, 2024
horoscopes september 2024

Wondering what’s written in the stars for you for the months ahead? Scroll on to find your horoscope for September and October.


august 23 - september 22

Happy birthday! There’s just one thing ruining the party (sorry) and that is September 17’s eclipse. It’s trying to push some of your friends away, so your mission is to think over all your relationships and proactively get rid of the ones that aren’t working. Now you have free space for better people.


september 23 - october 22

There are so many new things and people you want in your life, but there’s just no room. Good
thing Virgo season is here to help you move on from all the baggage weighing you down so that when Libra season begins on September 22, you’re ready to enjoy a spectacular time.


october 23 - november 21

Virgo season with its super-social mood is making you realise you have a bit too much going on. Starting on September 22, Libra season will help you curate, editing your relationships and commitments so that by the time the sun slides into Scorpio, you’re feeling steady with only the best around you.


november 22 - december 21

That major work project taking up all your time is this close to being done, and Virgo season sees you finally adding the finishing touches. Now it’s time for some reflection: Do you feel proud of it and your career so far? If not, spring’s Libra season could be perfect for exploring new professional paths.


december 22 - january 19

If you haven’t yet, try booking a much-needed vacay (or, fine, even a short day trip somewhere) this Virgo season. Then in late September when Libra season begins, it’s time to DTR or upgrade your relationship so that you and boo are rested and ready for Scorpio season good times.


january 20 - february 18

It’s true that life feels heavy right now, and some of this has to do with the relationships in your life that are just not working out. Make the decision to give them the chop this Virgo season so you can fully enjoy the adventurous vibes Libra season (starting on September 22) is bringing your way.


february 19 - march 20

Welcome to your own personal cuffing season. You’re all about linking up with new people in late winter and early spring before the eclipse on September 17 urges you to think about what you bring to the table (be honest). Putting in this work now means your relationships will thrive all spring long.


march 21 - april 19

You’re deep in work mode at the start of Virgo season and, yeah, it’s exhausting. But good news: Once you make it past the lunar eclipse on September 17, your to-do list is (finally) taken care of. Even better, Libra season, starting on September 22, sets the mood for love—and new lovers.


april 20 - may 20

Friendly PSA: If you like somebody, tell them. If you love somebody, shout it from the rooftops (or at least on your IG Stories). The end-of-winter astro weather has you meeting new friends and romantic interests. And once Scorpio season rolls up on October 22, you’re ready to lock those down.


may 21 - june 21

Hey, so how’s your living situation? Your relationships with your friends, family, partner? If there’s room for improvement, get to it right away so you can enjoy Libra season’s lovey-dovey vibes, starting on September 22. And also because on October 22, Scorpio season is sending you back to work.


june 22 - july 22

At the end of August and beginning of September, the universe is asking you to come out of your crab shell. As in, this is the time to make new friends and flirtationships and, most of all, have fun. Hold on to these good vibes for the major glow-up Scorpio season is bringing your love life, starting on October 22.


july 23 - august 22

Sure, Mercury Retrograde is making things … difficult until August 28. But then you’ll be able to focus on … work, work, and more work during the rest of Virgo season. But! Life lightens up a lot starting on September 22, and by Scorpio season on October 22, you’ll be all about resting and recharging.

This article originally appeared in Issue 01 of Cosmopolitan Australia. Get your copy and subscribe to future issues here.

Jake Register
Jake Register (better known by his Instagram handle, @jakesastrology) is a Libra and the author of Cosmopolitan US’s weekly Sexoscopes. He lives in southeastern North Carolina and loves making astrology content. Follow his IG or Twitter @jakesastrology, and to book a reading, go to
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